Pastor Jon's Complete
Through-the-Bible Teachings
in MP3 Audio Format on a
USB Flash Drive
This flash drive contains Pastor Jon's teachings through the entire Bible (Genesis through Revelation) in MP3 audio format. There are over 1200 teachings which include Jon's verse by verse exposition of the Bible as well as the Sunday sermons which take a more in-depth look at a section of the Scripture from the verse-by-verse study.
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1. Reconciliation delights our Father.
Every parent knows the delight of reconciliation. When I hear one of my kids say to another, “It’s your turn. You go first,” all I can say is, “Glory hallelujah! The age of miracles is not over! These kids are working it out. They’re dying to self. They’re letting the other have their way!”
If you are fortunate enough to have a child who goes out of his way to be a peacemaker, you know the place he has in your heart. So too, any one of us who says, “I’m going to die so that there can be reconciliation,” brings a great deal of joy to the heart of the Father.
2. Reconciliation defeats our foe.
Satan has one tactic he’s used from the very beginning: division. As the worship leader of the angelic chorus, Lucifer persuaded one-third of the angels to see things his way. They joined his rebellion and are now demons, destined for eternal damnation. Because Satan’s strategy remains the same, he who says, “I will die before I allow separation between me and another” deals a deathblow to Satan. The person who binds Satan is not the one who loudly declares, “I bind you, Satan.” The person who binds Satan is the one who dies to self and reconciles with another person. The binding of Satan comes about not through a statement we make verbally, but through a choice we make actively.
3. Reconciliation destroys our flesh.
The reason we’re depressed, the reason for the gnawing ache within us is found in one word: flesh. We think if we could indulge or pamper our flesh, we’d be happier. The opposite, however, is true. Jesus taught that the one who loses his life will find it (Matthew 10:39); that the one who follows Him must deny himself and take up his cross (Matthew 16:24).
The cross you are to bear is not getting the flu or losing your job. It’s not even divorce or death in your family - as tragic as those events are. The cross is not something that comes uninvited. Rather, it’s something we choose to do which causes pain and agony to our flesh. The cross is what Jesus endured when He prayed, “Not My will, but Thine be done.”
“I’m tired of being married to her,” or “I’m tired of my dad treating me this way,” or “I’m tired of my in-laws. Nevertheless, Lord, not my will but Thine be done. And Your will is that there be reconciliation, which means I must die.” That’s the cross.
The Roman soldier knew Jesus had died when he struck a spear in His side and there was no reaction other than the blood and water that flowed forth. So too, when that person with whom you’ve had a hard time pokes you yet again and you don’t respond, you don’t react, and you don’t retaliate, you’ll know you’ve died to your flesh.
Designed to be the most torturous death possible, crucified victims would often hang on a cross for two or three days before they died. Jesus hung on the Cross for six hours. He was in a hurry because He knew the sooner He died and completed the work of redemption, the sooner Easter Sunday would come! What if He had decided to struggle hour after hour, day after day? Easter couldn’t happen until He died. That’s why He said, “If you deny yourself, you’ll have life. But if you seek to hang on to your life, you’ll only prolong your misery.”
Precious people, it’s not that we have to die. It’s that we get to. Will you be the one today who loves God so much that you will delight Him by dying to your rights, your way, your self?
If so, reconciliation is sure to follow as you race toward Resurrection day.